Banner - District One History


  1. Afternoon Proceeding State of Trade Reports
  2. Nomination of Officers
  3. Forming Functioning Committees
  4. New & Unfinished Buisness


Held at the Sheraton Centre Hotel
Toronto, Ontario
Saturday, July 18, 1998 - 2:40 P.M. Afternoon Session

         At 2:40 p.m., July 18, 1998, the afternoon sesson of the 51st Convention of District One, IATSE, commenced and the following proceedings were held.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: We're going to go back on the record and reconvene for our afternoon session. At this time, I'm going to ask the locals to give us their State of the Trade report, and this time we'll start with, I believe, Local No. 15. Go ahead, Sean, whenever you're ready.


         DELEGATE CALLAHAN, LOCAL 15: Current Active membership is 247, which is up 71 members from 1995. Our Apprentice and First Card membership has increased significantly since 1995 due to organizing efforts in the jurisdiction. We received state certification for a two-year apprentice program in January of this year, and the formation of a training trust is a task that remains to be completed.

         We're working through the logistics of the transition to the new program, and hope to have apprentices enrolled in the new program next year. We have an active membership participation in outreach, organizing, and we're working to rebuild our continuing education program.

         The outreach program supports community fundraising events and fringe theater events, and has helped to improve our relationship with the local theatrical community as well as the community at large.

         Over the last three years, negotiations have proved difficult with some of our employers, with mostly small gains and some concessions with the 5th Avenue Musical Theater Company and the City of Seattle. In both instances, the presence of a state labor contractor in the jurisdiction provided management with a viable replacement work force, as well as greater downward pressure on our wages and working conditions.

         Our isolation from the Seattle labor community also prevented us from calling on our Brothers and Sisters for assistance. One bright spot in all that is that we were able to establish a qualified pension plan with many of our employers in 1996.

         Currently, we're participating to a greater extent in the labor community. I am the Amusement Trade section representative with the King County Labor Council, and Local 15 is a core member of Seattle Union Now!, the labor council's Union City's organizing project.

         Current negotiations include five new or created bargaining units: Exhibit Technicians with the City of Seattle, two wall to wall units at the Intiman and Seattle Children's Theater, which were organized under the auspices of the International, a wall to wall unit at A Contemporary Theatre, organized jointly by Locals 15, 488, and Theatrical Wardrobe Union 887, and the painters and property artisans at Seattle Repertory Theater, which are organized jointly between Locals 15 and 488.

         Other negotiations on existing agreements are ongoing, and we anticipate better results due to the organization of potential replacement workers. We also recently reached a tentative agreement with Seattle Landmark Association for work at the Moore Theater, which removed another unorganized employee pool from downtown Seattle.

         Future negotiations look good. The 5th Avenue Musical Theater and our major non-profit arts organizations have embarked on a path to an interest-based relationship, which we hope will lead to a more productive process for negotiations.

         The increase in represented workers also bodes well for bargaining strength. We have a Defense Fund in place now as well, which was formed last year helping us present a credible strike threat.

         Much of the credit, and many thanks are due to International Representative Sandra England, without her assistance, we wouldn't be in the shape we're in.

         Local 15 and 154 are pursuing merger discussions with a target date of December 31, 1998. Initial talks have resulted in the surfacing of several issues, which will have to be resolved in the next few months.

         The logistics of the jurisdiction remain problematic. While we're beginning to get the immediate Seattle area under control, there's much work to be done in the outlying areas. Our lack of resources to police the entire jurisdiction allows the labor contractor access to many venues. They also draw employees from a wide area in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. While we have had some success in recapturing a venue or two, and have the support of the county government, I believe that this problem requires district support in order to succeed.

         We allow Stage Crew Services to operate in the district at own peril. I suggest that we make and keep a district-wide commitment to organize or remove this employer from our jurisdictions.

         We are currently running organizing campaigns with freelance Audio Visual Technicians and with Stage Crew Services. We have dispatch agreements with a handful of audio visual companies, but have been competing with the freelancers for work. We're seeking to establish bargaining units with the four major employers in the area. Progress in both of these drives has been slow and difficult.

         Business activity is good within the jurisdiction, although the funding prospects of our non-profit employers are bleak to grim. It remains relative easy to raise funds for capital improvements, but operational funding is flat. Venue construction has increased, with a new symphony hall downtown, the Experience Music Progress and a new theater in Kirkland. I expect continued growth in venue construction as long as the current economic conditions continue.

         Respectfully submitted, Sean Callahan.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thank you, Sean. We'll take that as the report of progress from that local, and ask Local 28 to give us their State of the Trade report.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Since Local 28 has been in attendance at the last convention of 1990, we have experienced a booming entertainment environment. Our local has grown in membership and keeping the calls filled has been at times challenging.

         Some of the entertainment we have seen in the last three years has been runs of Phantom, Beauty and the Beast, Kiss of the Spider Woman, Carousel, Rolling Stones, Stomp, Camelot, and Smithsonian. The list goes on and on.

         During 1997, we successfully negotiated several contracts. The City of Portland intended not to negotiate and went as far as creating a termination agreement. The city's unfounded reasoning was to our advantage. With tremendous effort of our negotiating committee, and the trust of our membership, we signed a three-year contract with department heads of the city. The contract, mostly used for the department heads, contains rates for all categories from Rigger to New Hire. We then went on to sign a contract with the primary theatrical and musical producers in the Portland Metropolitan area: Portland Opera, Oregon Ballet Theatre, Portland Opera Presents, Oregon Children's Theatre, and the Oregon Symphony Orchestra.

         A classification for special operators was agreed upon: This category has additional light and soundboard operators, followspots, pyrotechnic, scenic projector, automation and forklift operators. Because of the separately negotiated department head contract with the City of Portland, it was necessary to negotiate a new contract of crew coordinator.

         Recording rates now apply to the entire load in, show and out rather than the show alone. Health and welfare and hourly rates were raised as well.

         Less stressful to negotiate was the Oregon Arena contract. This contract gives us jurisdiction of the Rose Garden, home of the Trailblazers, and the Memorial Coliseum, former home of the Trailblazers, and now home to circuses, rock shows, and conventions such as Amway.

         Education continues to be a challenge. With the amount of work in Portland, it is difficult to schedule related training classes. We strive for two classes a month. During the summer, we offer an accelerated week. Typically these classes are eight hours a day for five to seven days.

         Most of our training is still on the job with Journeyman teaching. The state of Oregon chooses to have a Joint Apprenticeship Program where employers and employees participate in the education of our stagehands. Most states are not joint.

         The local, along with our employers, track on-the-job hours and related training hours for advancement in our apprenticeship program. We are required to have limited electrical licenses. Two members of the local teach electrical theory and code classes to any apprentice who is sponsored by a training agent.

         On a more personal note, there has been a shift in the office of the Recording Secretary. Brother Jim Robinson resigned from this position after more than a decade of service to run for the vacated office of Financial Secretary Treasurer. Local 28 is privileged to have such respect and attention given as Brother Robinson does.

         Last, I would like to comment on the World Wide Web and e-mail, and computers in general. We have created a web page which has a domain name. Further, we have inputted our bookkeeping into databases. We also have a database for apprentices, which tracks their progress and re-rates them. The process of inputting was tedious, but we now reap the rewards of such diligence.

         Respectfully submitted, Susan Traynor, President.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thanks, Jim, and we'll also take that as a Report of Progress from this local.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: I've got one more thing to say, and I'm hoping you can help us out. I'd like to hear you name some B-20.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I plan on giving a complete report for them.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Thank you.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Sure. At this time we'll hear from Local 93 in Spokane, Washington.

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: The mainstay of Local 93's work has been our presence in city owned buildings. First, the Spokane Coliseum built in 1954, and then the Spokane Opera House which opened in 1974 for the World's Fair.

         Our relationship with the city has always been secured by only a handshake, and in time a history of a job well done. But in 1995, the old Coliseum (the Boone Street Barn) came down, and in its place the Veterans Memorial Arena was built, and with it has come, what we hope, is a new era of cooperation and security stemming from our first written agreement with management.

         When the doors opened in September of '95, thanks to IA Representative Sandra England and our negotiating team, we had a one-year contract which has been followed by a three-year contract ending in August of '99. Although this has been a giant step in the right direction, we have recently realized that there has been a false sense of security. What we had thought to be a binding collective bargaining agreement protected by the Public Employees Relations Commission is, in fact, only a vendor contract. The same as non-union vendor contracts with concessions and catering.

         When we negotiated our first contract, we had to take substantial cuts in salary, overtime and conditions in order to keep pace with Stage Crew Services, which was actively trying to move themselves in. We fully expect to be fighting this same battle when our negotiations begin in the spring of '99.

         There are only two other professional venues in town, the Interplayers Ensemble and the Met, both of which have staunchly non-union management. We have made inroads by having technical staff from both on our Extra Board list, and have also been successful in salting their crews with No. 93 members.

         I have been talking with Silhouette, a lighting and staging company which works small halls, county fairs and mall openings around the country. I am close to getting cards signed by employees and am hopeful for an agreement in the not too distant future.

         We have also provided carpenters for Admit One which specializes in display sets used in trade shows. They have also built sets used in Convention Productions at the Arena and Ag Trade Center. Up until now, we have provided labor through our Extra Board on our rate card, but they have showed interest in negotiating a contract with us.

         In '95, our membership was 53. This dropped to 48 in '97, but are now at 51 again as of the second quarter of '98. We are proud to have members out on the road as head carpenter and head electrician with Cats. Long time member, Bob Devereaux, who was the Stage Carpenter and Manager for the Opera House, retired last year, and is reported to be living the good life either pulling his Airstream to places he's never seen or by spending three days a week on the golf course.

         It is our collective commitment to continue our high quality of work through continued training with the emphasis on safety, and to work with our Labor Council and the Washington State AFL-CIO to regain a democratic state and federal congress that puts the health and welfare of working families before the corporate bottom line. Respectfully submitted.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Okay. I'll take that as the report of the progress, also, and it should be noted that you guys would rather have Bob Devereaux on the golf course than in the Opera House.

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: Absolutely. (Laughter)          CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right. Next should be a report of Local 154, Seattle, Washington.

         DELEGATE WHITISH, LOCAL 154: Local 154's jurisdiction now extends from the Canadian border to the Oregon border, from the Pacific Ocean to the Cascade Mountains. We currently have 67 members down from 94 in the 1995 report. 12 of these members are currently retired.

         Our wages run from a low of $10.75 per hour to a high of $17.00 her hour. We have a Health and Welfare Trust Fund, which all employers, except Act III, contributes $6.75 per shift to. All employers, except Act III, also contribute to IATSE National Pension Plan B. We currently have 36 full-time jobs.

         Our three major employers are Landmark Theatres, Loews Cineplex Entertainment, and General Cinemas. This year we renegotiated three contracts with General Cinemas and added a new downtown Seattle theater that is currently under construction. We kept the General Cinemas jobs as projectionist's jobs with one full-time person per unit.

         We also, with the help of the late Walter Blanchard, renegotiated our maintenance contract with Act III for Longview/Kelso and Bellingham. We got a good raise with this contract.

         Our ongoing struggle with Loews Cineplex in Tacoma ended in a maintenance contract for one full-time and one part-time job. We previously had five members working full-time for Loews Cineplex in Tacoma. The affected members received severance packages.

         We also negotiated a new contract for Loews Cineplex in the Seattle area. Our new job description with this contract is Projection Maintenance Engineer. We are now in all of the Loews Cineplex Theatres in the King/Snohomish area. This includes three theatres that opened non-union.

         We went from eight full-time jobs to five full-time jobs with this contract. Our new jobs have members doing maintenance at multiple locations. Members that were displaced received severance packages.

         Our contract with Landmark Theatres continues to provide for projectionist/manager jobs, and two projectionist-only jobs. This contract runs through the year 2000. We now have four full-time jobs at Rockwell-Collins (formerly Avicom), by virtue of an IA contract. There is a very good possibility of more jobs in the near future with Rockwell-Collins.

         We are gearing up to get our training going stronger as there are a lot of one time and short time jobs to cover and a lack of trained people to cover them. We are in discussions with Local 15 regarding a merger. We see this as feasible and preferable to meet the challenges we face of reduced labor pool and rising expenses.

         In summary, the state of the trade for Local 154 is slow, steady decline. We hope to stop this decline by concentrating on getting Act III under contract in the Seattle area, staying technically proficient and continuing to provide quality work for living wages.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thank you, Brian. He's saying that they are in a slow, steady decline, but I want to tell you that this local has faced a lot of opposition from employers, and has really stayed the course.

         And as much as you guys feel like you're beating against a wall that never moves, let me say that our Local 154 is in better shape than a lot or most of projection locals across the country, and you guys are to be commended, Frank and Brian, for the work that you have done, and the quality of representation that you guys give your members.

         Next, we're going to hear from 240, Billings, Montana.

         DELEGATE MINEAR, LOCAL 240: Well, I do not have a formal State of the Trade report to give but we do have 24 members. We have two main venues that we work. We just received raises and renegotiated a contract. At both, we do quite a number of country shows, rock concerts, symphonies, operas, ballets.

         We've just gotten people on, in the last year, on two different movies, part with the help of Bruce on one in particular, and we've got money in the bank and we're going onward and upward.

         Things are looking better. We have had some reconstruction of one of the venues to where it's a little more easily accessible for our spotlight operators to proficiently spotlight performances in the one. And we have had some exciting times with a number of concerts coming back into one of the Billings venues after a slump of basically about a year where there was hardly any work where we used to get the vast majority of it. That's about it. Thank you.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thank you. At this point we'll hear from 339, Missoula, Montana.

         DELEGATE BULL, LOCAL 339: 339's jurisdiction in the stage area covers roughly half the state of Montana. The state of Montana is the fourth largest state in the union, and there are less than a million people there. So we cover a lot of territory without too many people.

         About three years ago, there were four locals in our half of the state, and they have all gone by the wayside until now there's just 339. We also have the movie jurisdiction which roughly follows our stage jurisdiction with the exception of the northeastern corner of Montana.          We have one venue in Great Falls, which is up for a contract. We have an additional venue, which is an arena, which has never been under contract.

         Our membership has gone from the low 20s, approximately five years ago, to 39 this year. We are basically a part-time union. We have no full-time positions. We're working to rebuild basically our whole jurisdiction. There's three or four venues scattered throughout our jurisdiction that were at one time organized and are no longer organized.

         And we're slowly working on chipping away at those trying to work on getting some of those back. We've got a lot of ideas for an apprenticeship and a training program. We're just short on people to get that in place.

         Right at this point in time, we're in the process of creating a film unit based out of Boseman, where there is an active film school. And also one good thing that came out of the last legislature, there was a concerted effort by Right to Work, and that was how we defeated, so we're still a closed shop state. That's kind of the state of the trade in our jurisdiction.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thanks, Bruce. At this time we'll hear from 488.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: In the three years since the last convention, Local 488's membership rolls have dropped from a high of 490 members in 1995 to approximately 425 active members today. This decrease stems mainly from the cyclical nature of work in the motion picture industry.

         The membership base looks to increase over the next several years as the local increases its organizing efforts among the freelancers in both the television commercial market and the theatrical scenic painters.

         The local has had good success in obtaining contracts on a wide variety of projects including interactive CD-Roms, television series, feature films, low budget independent features, and probably, most importantly, television Movies of the Week.

         The Local and the cost of a union contract was incorrectly seen as the main reason MOW's chose not to shoot in the Pacific Northwest for several years starting around 1994. Through the hard work of Portland Business Charlie Carlsen and International Representative Sandra England, the local was able to sign a groundbreaking contract with Hearst Entertainment and bring MOW's back to the Northwest.

         We have now had five projects using that contract in the jurisdiction with two more currently in pre-production. We believe these projects will continue to provide a broad base of employment for our members.

         Local 488's work to strengthen ties with sister locals throughout the region has resulted in an increased employment opportunities for our members. We enjoy strong ties with Local 15 in Seattle and Local 20 in Portland, and have had our members work on contracts with Local 16 at San Francisco and Local 99 in Salt Lake.

         Seattle Business Agent Joel Youngerman, working with Locals 15 and 887 and International Representative Sandra England has secured contracts for scenic painters at the Seattle Opera and are currently in negotiations at four other Seattle theaters.

         In another example of working closely with a sister local, the reciprocal agreement Local 488 enjoys with Local 891 in Vancouver, B.C. has allowed our members the ability to work in Canada.

         In a reversal of past practice, the local now has a good working relationship with the State Film Office in both Oregon and Washington. We've worked to be viewed as a full partner in marketing both states with film offices and organizations such as the WMPC and OMPA. We've been visible in lobbying efforts in support of our industry in Olympia and Salem and plan to increase our visibility at the state level.

         Internally, we've made changes that will strengthen the local. Officers are now elected for three-year terms with the two business agents and the president automatically going to the International Convention as delegates.

         We've started the Colin Kell Scholarship Fund for the dependents of members and our Charities Committee is fully funded and active.

         The cyclical nature of production required the local to review expenses and unfortunately raise work dues. These moves and the good stewardship of Financial Secretary-Treasurer John DiSciullo has insured the financial health of the local.

         Challenges the local still face include the cost of having two full-time offices and those inherent in having a jurisdiction that spans four states. Other areas of concern with member education, involvement and training.

         The Local also plans to increase its efforts in organizing Northwest based film and digital production companies. We must also increase our political lobbying efforts and find more ways to be involved with our members and our community.

         From its date of charter only five years ago, Local 488 has made great strides in establishing itself as an active and viable union. At this time, the state of the local is good, and the local is well positioned to face the challenges of the next decade.

         Respectfully submitted, Robert M. Riggs, President.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thanks, Bobby. Now we hear from Local 675, Eugene, Oregon.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: As of July 1st, 1998, IATSE Local 675 is working without a contract with the city of Eugene. Contract talks have slowed and negotiations continue over wages, benefits and working conditions. At this time, I am optimistic that we will emerge with a good contract.

         In May of 1997, we held a media campaign and an informational picket at the University of Oregon's Autzen Stadium. The band U-2 was performing, and the promoter, John Morrison, elected to use non-union stagehands, primarily from out of state. The picket was well received by the citizens as well as the University of Oregon, resulting in many unsold tickets. This picket opened the doors to begin talks with the University in regards to using IA representative employees whenever Autzen Stadium, as well as MacAurthur Court is rented to outside promoters.

         We now have a Letter of Understanding with the University. Although they are unwilling to demand that outside promoters use IA representative employees, they have signed an agreement stating that they will strongly recommend that IATSE Local 675 be used for stagehands every time they sign a rental agreement.

         There are only a handful of events scheduled for Cuthbert Amphitheater this summer. The City of Eugene has decided to turn over "The Eugene Celebration" to the Downtown Business Association. We have covered all stage-related work at this event for the last 15 years. We are meeting with the new management and everything indicates that we will sign an agreement to continue working the three-day event.

         We are receiving more requests for labor to cover events in eastern as well as southern Oregon. Because of the size of our jurisdiction, it is difficult to send stagehands to cover some of these calls.

         We are discussing the possibilities of creating a pool of IATSE-represented stagehands that live in these areas. We've also received a few calls from casinos for stagehands. We feel a strong need to organize this growing industry in Oregon.

         Informal talks have begun between 675 and the Eugene Ballet Company. Many of our stagehands tour with the ballet primarily in the northwest. In each case, we sign an agreement to cover wages. We are seeking an agreement to cover working conditions and benefits as well.

         Lastly, I must sadly report the death of Brother Marv Ramsey. Brother Ramsey was key in signing our initial contract with the city of Eugene in 1982, and reorganizing Local 675 to meet the demands of that contract. He was a great union man, organizer and brother. He will sadly be missed.

         Respectfully submitted in solidarity, Rick George.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thanks, Rick. We'll hear from Local 793, State of Washington.

         DELEGATE KOLANO, LOCAL 793: We're right now in negotiations with NMT which is National Mobile Television. We have had eight meetings with them, the last two have been the best of the eight. NMT now is the largest broadcast mobile unit in the world. They just purchased the number three company in the United States. Now they have 40 some trucks that can broadcast remotes around the country and the globe. They are shipping a truck off to Brazil at this point to do a year stint down there on soccer.

         We have right now, what did we say, 17 members and growing each week, getting the interest of the freelancers to join. That's basically what we're trying to do is get them to join at this point, and get interested in the local so that when the contract is signed, that we have a good crew out there.

         Let's see, we have a good crew over in Spokane that's interested in joining those that do a lot of freelancing in Spokane and Pullman. I think that's about it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I'll add just a little bit to that, that these guys are not the biggest market across the country but what started in Seattle with a group of guys coming to me has really spread to a national movement.

         So we may have 17 folks that have joined 793, but as these guys travel around the country and talk to other broadcast technicians, this has really spread to a national movement for freelance technicians, and I really take my hat off to the people in the local, and especially Gary who has done the lion's share of bringing these guys together across the country.

         And we're going to see great, great expansion in this area and for the IATSE and the freelance broadcast industry.

         DELEGATE KOLANO, LOCAL 793: Sandra, just let me add one other thing is that when we picked the IA, we picked it because of Sandra England. And when we walked, when three of us walked into her office after meeting with another union, we were very impressed that she knew who we were, what we did, and she took time out as an International Rep to sit down with us and discuss our problems, our situation, and whatever else that we had for IATSE to help us out.

         And after a whole month of searching with the other two broadcast-type unions, we took it to our members and discussed it was either going to be an association or having IA take us over. And we stressed that IA was the best thing for all of us, and you know, I have been working close with Sandra for the past year, I think it's been. And I can't say any more about Sandra than what she's done for us, and what IA has done for us so far.

         And, you know, I'm proud to be an IA member at this point because of how close she's working with us, and President Short working with us, too. So I appreciate it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thanks, Gary, and as my mentor, Al DiTolla used to say, "that's what they pay me for," but thanks a lot. We're going to hear now from 887, Seattle, Washington.

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: In the past one-year period, our membership has grown from 27 to 47. We had a huge spurt in one year after kind of sleeping for a while. We have four applicants right now on the docket to be voted on next month. So we're real happy about our growth.

         We have new contracts with the Paramount Theatre where we work under an unsigned document forever, and the new contract at Moore Theatre where we're replacing or planning on having a signed document.

         We're joining with Local 15 in a contract with the Mount Baker Theater in Bellingham. We've been a participant, along with Local 15 and 488 in organizing efforts for Intiman Playhouse and with Sandra; Intiman Playhouse, Seattle Children's Theater and just beginning with the ACT Theatre in Seattle.

         And our opera shop people have almost -- it was almost internal combustion. They burst forth and began organizing with Sandra's leadership and attention. At the same time, we're really happy that we feel we've maintained a good relationship with those employers.

         We, too, have lost work on at least two occasions to the alternative work force that's threatening us all. So we're eager to help and be a participant in dealing with that threat. We have, for the first time ever, health benefits in most of our contracts. We've never had that before. And it's in almost every one of them now, so that people can piece together that benefit even if they work in different places.

         Because of significantly increased participation from our membership, and the invaluable support and leadership from Sandra, we've made these strides this year. Our ongoing concern is to continue to strive for parity wages with other stage craft employees.

         We're aware that wardrobe attendants across the country, who are a part of a mixed local, already have that. And while we're real proud of the reputation that TW 887 seems to carry across the country, we really want to see the wages match that. We can't take that pride to the bank. That's it.

         Respectfully submitted, Benita Hyder, Local 887.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: And I've got to say, this local here is one of the locals I'm most proud of right now. When you talk about going from 27 to 47 members, taking on some of the fights that they have had to take on in terms of the fact that this group of people have come together to not only say they are going to organize, but we're no longer going to just be paid less because we're women.

         And they have taken this fight to their employers, and they haven't backed down and they've gotten real, real gains for their members in their contracts, and it really shows. And they have come together and really duked it out with some of their employers, and I have been involved in some of that. And I'm just really proud of them for all the work that they've done over there at 887.

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: Thank you, Sandra.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Now, we're going to hear from 918, Anchorage, Alaska.

         DELEGATE EASLEY, LOCAL 918: IATSE Local 918 has been alive and well in Alaska since 1983. We are a small stagehands local with a membership of 27 people.

         Theater in Alaska is still a part-time job for many of us in the industry. When the snowmelts and the days get longer, everyone goes fishing, and you can't pay people to sit in the theater. So, to survive, many of our members have to have other incomes.

         This last season was very hard on our membership. One of our major employers had to cut back their season by a third. Many of our members had to turn down what work we had to offer and look elsewhere for full-time employment to survive.

         On the bright side, the upcoming season, which opens with Cats, look to be a season of nonstop work, and this should bring our membership back to its former healthy self.

         Local 918 has four major contracts. Just this last year, we were at the table to sign an agreement with the Anchorage Opera. Our organizational and technical skills and an adherence to safety protocols were primary selling points.

         We are currently in renegotiations with the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts. This has historically been a difficult group to negotiate with as they are represented by a very pro-employer law firm. We are hopeful that we will come away from the bargaining table with a fair contract that meets our basic concerns regarding safety, minimum crew size, and competitive wages. And as a side bar, we're in our seventh month of negotiation, which is still ahead of our track record of the last time, three years.

         We have had no success in organizing the local rock and roll venues. They are run by Ogden who has contracted an out-of-state production company, ProShow USA, to provide equipment and labor. Both of these companies are rabidly anti-union. Currently, the film Limbo is being shot in Juneau. Our business agent made several attempts to get our members on the shoot. She offered our labor, or a percentage of our labor, to work alongside their crews. Her efforts were ignored and Limbo is providing much of its technical labor from outside the state of Alaska.

         Local 918 is looking forward to the upcoming challenge of a hectic season. We will be expanding our membership and extra base to meet the increased labor demands. We will continue to strive to break down the barriers that are preventing us from getting work in the rock and roll arenas, and we will continue to preserve the ever increasing amount of film work coming to our state.

         Respectfully submitted, Kathryn Easley.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thank you, Kathryn. Now, I'm going to give a report on our Local B-20 in Portland, Oregon.

         This is another local that I'm really, really proud of. They had one member of this local that sued them into bankruptcy; one member who successfully sued them and sued them and sued them, never won a dime from the local.

         Every time they took him to court, he would add somebody else that he was suing along with the local, but the local had to defend itself.

         This guy never prevailed in one of his cases. But just the local having to defend itself put the local almost basically into bankruptcy. Over the last year, we put it back on its financial footing by getting a loan from the International to get them back to their current good standing.

         But just about the time we got them back on firm footing financially, the employer sent us a notice that within days, they were going to subcontract 90 percent of the unit's work out and basically destroy the local union.

         There were some pretty dark hours in this, but we had met with the employer over the year before they wanted to subcontract, and we changed work rules to accommodate the employer, changed many different conditions to accommodate the employer to try to come up with a staffing agreement that worked. And still the employer decided they were going to subcontract this work.

         I'll tell you, I just took it personally. Sometimes you can't help that but to take it personally. And in the midst of that, the person who really, really was the backbone of this local and had held this local together over the years, Dick Vinton, who had been just sort of the moral center of that local, died at work at his usher station.

         So the local really was at a place where it was like this unbelievable period in its history, Dick Vinton, who was the moral center of the local, dies at work. The employer decides to subcontract their work. They've got no money in the bank. And any other organization of low wage workers would have said "That's it, we're over."

         And instead, it brought these people together in a way that was one of the most inspiring situations I have ever had in my life. We chose to fight, and with Local 28 right behind us, and I've got to say, the stagehands turned out for us. Local 28 turned out for us, let the employer know that this was a fight not with a "B" local, but this was a fight with the IATSE, and that we were going to be there and we were going to stand shoulder to shoulder.

         And when we turned around, we had the Labor Council beside us, and when we turned around, we had the big city union AFSCME behind us. And we went to the MERC Commission, and they were dopey enough to have this hearing in a room no bigger than this one.

         And all of a sudden, this room was so full of people that no one could breathe, and the MER Commission was terrified because these people had never been confronted with a roomful of angry people who didn't agree with them.

         And they had to take testimony, public testimony, and we had person after person after person to come up and testify that this was absolutely wrong, and one of the most precious moments, that I'll never forget as long as I live, I was sitting in the front of the room and I turned around behind me, over my shoulder, because I heard some commotion, and everybody behind me, the B Local had passed out these little yellow eight and a half by 11 signs on yellow paper that said "You can't care me, I'm sticking with the union."

         I didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but you had all of these people lined up all over the room with these little teenie yellow signs, "You can't scare me, I'm sticking with the union." The MERC commission was freaked. They instructed the PCPA Services to sit back down with the local union and see if they couldn't come up with a deal.

         So we went back into negotiations to try to avert the subcontracting. And their labor relation's representative looked at me across the table and said "I've been instructed to sit here until we leave with a deal." And I said to him, "I need a caucus with my folks for a second."

         We walked out of the room. I looked at my group of folks, and they said "What does that mean?" I said, "It means they are F'd." We laughed, walked back in the room. We got a dollar an hour immediately. We got a dollar an hour in six months. We got another dollar an hour in another six months. We got eleven new holidays.

         By the end of it, we had picked their pockets clean because there had to be a price for that kind of behavior. And we took every dime that they had in their pockets by the time we walked away from that about 2:30 in the morning, because we made them sit there. And we made them sit there.

         And they have new leadership over there, Christine Bochman, who is their new president and business agent. And she's really picked up the slack. She's got good energy, the MERC PCPA has paid for training of the PCPA management and the B local on how to get along.

         They spent approximately $1,300 just recently to try to mend that relationship because I let them know that we didn't trust them, we probably wouldn't, and that there was no good will amongst those parties. So they have spent all this money trying to get us to all play fair and nice now.

         So the B local is one of those things where they -- the caveat to this story is I talked to Mr. DiSciullo the next day, and he said "I heard that you got 'em good." And I said yeah, and he said "There's one thing I'm mad about." And I said, "Well, what's that, Johnny?" And he says, "The stagehands only have ten holidays." (Laughter)

         So the B Local ended up with one more holiday than the stagehands, but we know what their position in negotiations are going to be the next time. So the B locals on their way back and their treasury is inching forward in pennies. And I want to thank every one of the locals in this room who donated to our B local in that time. Because we literally were trying to figure out how to print up those little yellow signs.

         We were literally trying to figure out how to come up with enough money to just stay afloat, and that's even with the International giving them a loan big enough to keep them current in their dues.

         But they are doing a good job, and I expect -- our B local just recently has been able to organize the elevator operators at PCPA, and we're going to go after the doormen next. And then we're going to go after the folks over at the Rose Garden.

         So it's really a story of being with your back against the wall and just really figuring that there's nothing going your way, nothing going your way, and a lot of people would have given up. And instead, they came together and they made a differences in each other's lives. And that's really what it was all about.

         So that's the story with the B local, but I have to say once again that it was also a matter of our locals in Portland coming together and supporting each other. And we really couldn't have done it without the support of Local. And we owe them a great deal of thanks.

         So that really ends up being the State of the Trade in our district. And I really want to say that I think our district is moving forward. If we all stick together, we're going to do better, and that's why we're going to now take nominations for our Advisory Council, one person from every state, and our Legislative Council, one person from every state.

         Then what I'm going to do is form the Organizing Committee, and the Montana Committee on Studio Mechanics, I am not going to adjourn those committees. Those committees are going to be formed, and these committees are going to remain active and engaged in between conventions.

         So whereas the first meeting of those are going to happen today, I'm not going to come back and adjourn those committees. I want these committees to remain engaged in between conventions, and be an active part, and answerable to the Advisory Boards that we're going to elect.

         So if we need to have meetings of these organizing committees in between conventions, we need to petition our Advisory Board for funds in order to meet in person, or if we need to have teleconferences or whatever needs to happen. But these two committees that we're going to set up for organizing purposes I want to remain engaged in between conventions.

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Nominations for District Officers

         So at this time, we're going to open up for nomination. There's three different positions that we're going to -- or three different things that we're going to look at. First is the Advisory Committee, one person from every state to go on the Advisory Committee. Then we're going to Legislative, one person from every state. And then we're going to accept nominations for the office of District Secretary.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: You probably should do that first.          CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: You think I should do District Secretary first?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Well, it might change --

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Who's on what?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Who's on what.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right. So at this point, I will take nominations for the Office of District Secretary. It has to be a delegate in good standing from any state at all.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: I nominate John DiSciullo.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Nomination will be accepted. John, do you accept the nomination?


         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Nomination in the name of John DiSciullo. Do I hear a second?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Charlie Carlsen from Local 488 seconds that nomination. Are there any other nominations? Are there any other nominations. Are there any other nominations? Hearing none, I shall close nominations in the name of John DiSciullo for District Secretary. At this time, I would instruct the District Secretary to cast a white ballot in the name of John DiSciullo for District Secretary. (Applause)

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Thank you.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right. You have to put up with Johnny for a few more years. Just kidding, Johnny. Now we're going to open up the office of Washington delegate to the Advisory Committee. It has to be a delegate in good standing from a local who represents members in the state of Washington.

         DELEGATE BAIRD, LOCAL 154: I nominate Sean Callahan from Local 15.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Sean, do you accept the nomination?


         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do I hear a second on that nomination?

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: I second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: It's been regularly moved and seconded. Sean Callahan. Are there any other nominations? Are there any other nominations? Are there any other nominations? Hearing none, I close the Washington delegate to the Advisory Committee in the name of Sean Callahan. At this point, I would instruct the District Secretary to cast a white ballot for Sean Callahan. Thank you, Mr. Callahan. (Applause) I now open nominations for Oregon, Advisory Committee. This person will have to represent people in the state of Oregon.

         DELEGATE CRANGI, LOCAL 15: I nominate Rick George.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Rick, do you accept the nomination?

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Yes.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Are there any other nominations?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I'd like to second the nomination.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie, that's good. You got me. (Laughter) Are there any other nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, I'm going to close it in the name of Rick George. At this point I would ask the Secretary to cast a white ballot on the name of Rick George. So he's our new delegate from Oregon. Thank you, Rick. (Applause) Now, we're going to open it for the state of Alaska.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: I nominate Kathryn Easley.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do you accept the nomination?

         DELEGATE EASLEY, LOCAL 918: Yes.

         DELEGATE BULL, LOCAL 339: I second the nomination.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Are there any other nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, I close nominations in the name of Kathryn Easley and instruct a white ballot to be issued. Kathryn, you're our new Alaska delegate. Thank you very much. (Applause) Now we'll open up for the state of Montana.

         DELEGATE BULL, LOCAL 339: I nominate Al Minear.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Ooh, that was quick. (Laughter)

         DELEGATE BULL, LOCAL 339: Get him before he gets me.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do you accept the nomination?

         DELEGATE MINEAR, LOCAL 240: Yes, I do.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Did I hear a second?

         DELEGATE YOUNGERMAN, LOCAL 488: I second the nomination.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Any other nominations? Any another nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, I close nominations in the same of Allan Minear, and instruct the District Secretary to cast a white ballot in the name of Allan Minear. So that's your new delegate for Montana.

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I'd like to nominate Harry Floyd for Idaho.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Idaho? He's not present, so he can't front --

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: We don't know if he's going to accept or not.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I'd make a nomination.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: It's been regularly moved and seconded. Any other nomination? Any other nomination? Any other nomination? (Laughter)

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I'm not going to touch that one. I was thinking we have a local --

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Just keep in mind on the question, you're petitioning this board for dispersion of funds, for recommendations to the body. Decide if this is what you really want to do, Charles, before I ask for a second.

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I didn't know he's eligible to tell you the truth.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: If there's no delegates, the constitution says this, if there's no delegate who takes the job, another person from another state can. Since he's not here to accept or decline the nomination, anyone from another state can. If there's no delegate here, we can go to another state. Somebody within the state gets the first nomination. Go ahead.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: We have a local who has jurisdiction in Idaho.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Salt Lake?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: No, 93.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Which might be just a little bit more appropriate. Rick?

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: I nominate LeRoy Frengle.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do you accept the nomination, LeRoy?

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: I accept it as a resident of Idaho.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: There you go. Any other nominations? Do you have a second, Frank?

         DELEGATE BAIRD, LOCAL 154: Second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Charlie?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I withdraw my nomination of Harry Floyd.          CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I think it fell for lack of a second anyway. Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, I instruct the District Secretary to cast a white ballot in the name of LeRoy Frengle. That is your Advisory Council. (Applause) Now, we're going to nominate and elect today a Legislative Council. This Legislative Council, we've got some very important issues before us, so if you nominate and accept this position, be prepared, because we're going to go against some extremists in the state of Oregon over some of these issues. So I want this to be a functioning committee, okay? A functioning committee. So we're going to open up for the state of Washington.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Sandy, is this one representative per state also?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Yes, it is. One representative per state.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I nominate Jerry Crangi.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Jerry, do you accept the nomination?

         DELEGATE CRANGI, LOCAL 15: I'm considering another committee, the Organizing Committee.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: You can still be on that committee.

         DELEGATE CRANGI, LOCAL 15: Then I will accept that nomination in that case.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Any other nominations?

         DELEGATE BAIRD, LOCAL 154: I second that nomination.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right, it's been second. Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, I close in the name of Jerry Crangi, and instruct the District Secretary to cast a white ballot in the name of Jerry Crangi. Great, Jerry, you're our guy. Now, the state of Oregon, Legislative Committee. State of Oregon.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: I nominate Phil LaFond.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Phil, do you accept?

         DELEGATE LaFOND, LOCAL 488: I think I need to respectfully decline at this time.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Okay. Anybody else for the state of Oregon? The state of Oregon. Charlie?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I nominate Mr. Burbach.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Jimmy, do you accept?

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Yeah, I guess. (Laughter)

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, I close in the name of James Burbach, and instruct the District Secretary to cast a white ballot in his name. Next we have the state of -- who are we doing next?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Alaska.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Alaska. Go ahead, Jim. (Laughter)

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: I'd like to nominate Kathryn Easley.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Kathryn, do you accept?

         DELEGATE EASLEY, LOCAL 918: Yes.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do I have a second?

         DELEGATE YOUNGERMAN, LOCAL 488: I second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Any another nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, we close it in the name of Kathryn Easley, and instruct the District Secretary to cast a white ballot in her name. Next we have the state of Montana.

         DELEGATE MINEAR, LOCAL 240: I would like to nominate Mr. Bruce Bull.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do you accept, Bruce?

         DELEGATE BULL, LOCAL 339: Yes, I do.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do I hear a second?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I second it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right. Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, I close nominations and instruct you to cast a white ballot in Bruce's name. Next, we open nominations for Idaho.

         DELEGATE YOUNGERMAN, LOCAL 488: I nominate LeRoy Frengle.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: LeRoy, do you accept?

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: I will.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do I hear a second?

         DELEGATE CRANGI, LOCAL 15: I'll second that.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Any other nominations? Hearing none, I close the office for the state of Idaho in the name of LeRoy Frengle, and instruct the District Secretary to cast a white ballot in his name. That covers that, right?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: That covers everything.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Which means we're not going to have an election today. Everybody was voted in on a white ballot.

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Forming Functioning Committees

         Now, the one thing I want to say is these committees are going to be functioning committees. Nobody has the right to veto anything without dealing with the entire committee from here on out. We have functioning committees.

         I'm going to leave the organization of these committees that I'm about to have in an open manner. The committees, both the Organizing Committee and the Montana Committee, are going to be committees that are going to convene today and will not be adjourned until the next convention, the interim convention that we have.

         At that time, we will adjourn the committees and reestablish them. But these committees are going to be convened today and will remain active committees. If the committees need to meet, they need to petition the Advisory Council that we just elected. These committees are going to remain together and intact.

         If people in the district have concerns around organizing, not only can you contact me, but this committee is supposed to function for the good of the entire district. And we have problems that face us as a district and these committees are being formed to deal with common employers, common problems, and to facilitate organizing district-wide.

         So these are going to be appointed committees. They are not constitutionally mandated. I'm going to appoint Sean Callahan to be the head of the Organizing Committee for the district. On that committee, I want Rick George, Jim Burbach, and whoever else volunteers to be on the committee. But those folks are going to be on this committee.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Sandy, this morning, I think when we were talking about this, it was LeRoy and Jerry Crangi.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: That's a very good idea, but I'm going to appoint Sean Callahan as the chairperson of that committee.

         Now, on the Montana committee, I'm going to appoint Bruce Bull -- this affects you the most, Bruce -- as chairperson of the Montana Studio Mechanic Committee. I'm also going to appoint as a co-chair Bob Riggs, and ask that you have Allan Minear also as it will be a tripartheid chair here that you will work this out.

         Lyle Trachtenberg has promised to make himself available this week to you all, Monday lunch, because I want the West Coast office to understand what's going on in the state of Montana, and the importance of establishing the jurisdiction and not doing violence really to anybody's jurisdiction here, and pulling the wages down with them, and that we support you in organizing and we support the fact that there's a studio mechanic local in the area that you guys need to all work together, okay? So Bob?

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I'd like to get Steve Rood, the 99 guy on that, too.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: That would be a great idea.

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: Mr. Trachtenberg offered to extend that into dinner, as well, if Johnny would buy. (Laughter)

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I'm sure he would. He'd extend his stay a week if we would buy.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: He'd extend anything if somebody would buy. (Laughter)

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: So at this point, I would take a motion to adjourn the convention as a whole.

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Unfinished & New Business

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Wait a minute.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Do we still have business, Johnny?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I have two things to remind everybody. The Legislation Committee and the Advisory Board has to meet some time at the convention and pick a chairman. I need a chairman of the advisory board and need a chairman of the legislation. They have to vote on themselves, all right?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Okay. Any new business or any unfinished business that the delegates want to take up? Laurel?

         DELEGATE HORTON, LOCAL 15: Didn't we have a constitution thing or are we not doing that?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Oh, you're right. I'm trying to get out of here, but you're right.(Laughter)

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: You're not going to that Toronto game.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: The Constitution Committee still had stuff before us. Charlie?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: And I'd like the district to buy an applause sign so next time Mr. Short gives a speech, we know the proper time. (Laughter)

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I'll do my best, okay? LeRoy?

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: The Montana committee is meeting about studio mechanics?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: To help them organize over their, LeRoy.

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: Well, what's the jurisdiction, is it 488?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Yes, it is. Local 93 gave up their jurisdiction to Local 488 when 488 was chartered. So the same jurisdiction that you all had and enjoy is now the jurisdiction of Local 488.

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: All right.


         DELEGATE BAIRD, LOCAL 154: I think we ought to get in the minutes the words "clap, clap, clap" for our recording secretary. She's doing a good job. I'm sure we'll have better minutes than we have had in the previous years.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Absolutely, let's give her a clap, clap, clap. (Applause) Anything else? Do we have any new business?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: No, you missed your Constitution Committee.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Still some unfinished business. You're right, go.

         DELEGATE LaFOND, LOCAL 488: We had a meeting over lunch and didn't get any concrete things. I believe Jim Burbach has some language that he can read.

         My recommendation as chair would be to refer this to the committee to refer to the Advisory Board. That's my recommendation. If Jim wants to read what he's got; two items we're still working on the preamble and mission statement for District One, and a revision of the article in the Constitution regarding the structure of the interim convention.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: So the motion is that a new mission statement be drafted and submitted to the Advisory Board for approval?

         DELEGATE LaFOND, LOCAL 488: Right.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: And what was the next one?

         DELEGATE LaFOND, LOCAL 488: And that the Constitution Committee work with the Advisory Board on the drafting of the statement regarding the interim convention.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: And the Advisory Board could meet before the weeks out.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: The Advisory Board can meet tomorrow.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: The Advisory Board can meet any time.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Right, Johnny

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: And we could hold another meeting if we have to.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: We can reconvene tomorrow if we had to.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Yes, we can reconvene any time during the session to approve it if we have to.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right. You hear the motion. Is there a second?

         DELEGATE BAIRD, LOCAL 154: I'll second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Anybody on the question?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: Are we saying that will reconvene tomorrow, so that we do get something about our special convention, so that we really do accomplish that?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: We could do that. We could reconvene for five minutes tomorrow.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I think probably what is going to have to be done, I think let these two committees do a little side bar, and maybe later in the week we could take one part of the convention floor, and the Advisory Board could meet, and get the motions or the changes written out; and as an Advisory Board, pick a chairman, and then look at that, and then we could hold a five-minute meeting to approve it, to reconvene the convention.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Anybody else on the question?

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: What's the intent or why are we rewriting the preamble or making a mission statement?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Because it's so vague that the Constitution Committee felt that we've got these committees, and quite frankly, the districts were formed to combat sort of legislative activity against trade unionism. And if you read that preamble, Bob, it sort of like doesn't give us a mission at all.

         And so, they thought maybe a redrafting of that would give the district into perpetuity a little more defined mission is what they were trying to do. I mean I don't know that it makes a shift in the district other than a tenor shift of where we're going, where we want to go.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: Right, that would be -- I mean I have had a lot of experience in other organizations spending an inordinate amount of time trying to craft a mission statement, and I've always kind of thought that if you just did the job as you understand it, instead of spending time trying to craft a mission statement, but if you're hung up on it --

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I don't think it's so much the words as trying to change the direction of the district from sort of a floater to a mover.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: And also we do need language so we make sure that we do have constitution language to have a mid-term election, a mid-term convention, excuse me.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Yes, that needs to be cleaned up. Benita?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: I guess I think also that the preamble can become this monolithic project that can take a long time. And maybe we don't need it until the mid -- complete it to vote on it until the mid-term convention, but the language addressing under Article 2 addressing that mid-term convention, we need to be sure that we accomplish.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I agree a hundred percent.

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: So how do we do that?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I propose -- Jimmy?

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: I do have some language written down here but unfortunately the committee didn't have time to approve. If you want to hear it now and then --

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Sure, give it to us.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: We'll kick it around.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Under Article 2, Conventions: The idea is to insert a new Section 2, which will be Interim Conventions and the language says "Date and location of interim conventions shall be called by a majority vote of the delegates in attendance at the regular convention. Any other conventions will be considered a special convention."

         And there would be a new Section 3, and the subsequent sections would be renumbered. And it would stay the same as written, and then at the end it would include "No changes to the constitution and bylaws will be considered during a special convention. Also, the election of officers allowed" -- "the only election, also the only election" -- how do I do this?

         "The only election of officers allowed would be for those posts that are vacant."

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: The only thing that I would say is that we just instructed the Constitution Committee to possibly come up with a new preamble by the next convention, and now we're saying no constitutional changes can be made.

         All I'm saying is that those are in direct contradiction to one another, although I get what you're saying. I'm just pointing out to the delegates what we've just done.

         DELEGATE BAIRD, LOCAL 154: I think we said during a special convention there could be no constitutional changes.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Is that what you said, Jim, special convention?

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Yes, that would be added.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: At an interim convention?

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: The part I just read would be at the end of what is currently Section 2, Special Conventions.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Okay. Joel?

         DELEGATE YOUNGERMAN, LOCAL 488: there was -- I mean this is not unanimous from the Constitutional Committee. There was sentiment expressed by me specifically that the constitution mandate an interim convention as close as possible to the midpoint between the two, between International conventions. So just stuff to think about.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I agree with that.


         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: I agree in theory. The trouble is that ends up in the midst of all of our busy work seasons.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Christmas?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: Christmas holidays. So I would only add that.

         DELEGATE YOUNGERMAN, LOCAL 488: I said as close as possible.

         DELEGATE WHITISH, LOCAL 154: We could vary that a couple months either way.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I would think because we're looking in the months of like maybe --

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: January.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Well, I would think it would be more advantageous maybe in February or March. I don't know if that's your busy months or not. But it's one day, and probably would be a Saturday depending where it was called.

         The only other thing is I wonder, as long as we're going to talk about this, if the District Secretary calls it, does he pick the place or does the Advisory Board pick where it would be?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I believe that that would be within the scope of the Advisory Board, which you're an ex officio member of.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Right. So what I mean is, I know this is getting very complicated, but I think that all those things should be taken into consideration of who calls it, when and how.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Let me define that then. The delegates assembled call for it. The Advisory Board, which you're an ex officio member of, I'm an ex officio member of, decides the place and time. Okay? That's the way that works.

         Now, there's been lots of talk. Is there anybody prepared to make a motion?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: I make a motion that we accept that language as read.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: With the Youngerman amendment?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: No, with the England amendment defining who and when as you stated.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Okay. You heard the motion. Is there a second? Laurel?

         DELEGATE HORTON, LOCAL 15: Could he read that language again? I'm really, sorry. (Laughter)

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Before I read the language, let me just kind of restate this whole thing. It's kind of hard to understand. The new section under interim conventions, what it's saying here is date and location would be determined at this assembly.

         DELEGATE HORTON, LOCAL 15: That's what I thought.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: And then there is current language for special conventions that says "Special district conventions shall be called at any time a majority of the votes cast by locals who are in favor of calling such a convention. District Secretary, upon request of three affiliated locals, or at the request of the Advisory Board under referendum vote," blah, blah, blah. So for special conventions, he already has that power and ability.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Correct.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Right, but the problem is we'd have to decide right here and now where, when and how.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: But that addresses his interest in making sure that if we are going to do an interim convention, that we sit down and we when and where we're going to do it, and if we're going to set it a year and a half from now, we'll all decide that when we're in this assembly.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: We could take care of that under new business. I have it written down.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: The problem is, quite frankly -- I'm calling Rick and then Charlie, the problem as the Chair that I see is that all right, say we decide to have it in Portland, Oregon in the month of January. Say the 17th even. And we find out that that's just bad for everybody. How in the heck do we make a change there, guys?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Well, what if you said you had it in the year 2001 in a time suitable to all the locals between February and June?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: That's what I'm saying, but he's saying you have to pick an exact --

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: I didn't say that. It's loose enough that you can -- you know, we want a commitment to decide whether or not to do it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Rick, Charlie and then Laurel. Go ahead, Rick.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: I thought that we had talked about giving this to the Advisory Committee, and then meeting after the Advisory Committee with everyone to decide that?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Well, then everyone decided that they wanted to have this done.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Today? Right now?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: That was the sentiment of the delegates, yeah. Charlie?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I'm still at a loss why we need to change it. It can be ruled a special convention. Each time we have this convention, we can rule whether if we want another convention in between the two of them. And we can set that up now without the strings attached to have that each time.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Because this district was in violation of the International's convention, quite frankly, is the reason that we've got to get this business finished.

         Because the International convention is clear that the district has to meet once every other year. And we are in violation of the International's convention by not having an interim convention.

         So I don't want to leave here without having some provision, whatever it be, to meet again before the next International convention, so we don't violate the International's convention one more time. Laurel, then I'll get back to you, Rick.

         DELEGATE HORTON, LOCAL 15: Now I have a new question. (Laughter)

         We elect, in our local, delegates to the International convention. Now we're talking about an interim district convention so I guess we have to elect new delegates?

         CAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Most of the time, the local union's constitution -- I'm not positive what yours says or doesn't -- but it says delegates to IATSE assemblages, or assemblies, not the International convention.

         DELEGATE HORTON, LOCAL 15: Okay, good, thank you, I'll look that up.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Rick and then Bobby. Go ahead.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Brother Burbach, did you rewrite that? Are you ready to read that?

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Do you want me to read it? I haven't changed anything. If you want to hear it again?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I have an answer to Charlie.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: I want him to reread it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: What's the problem that you're having with it?

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: I just want him to restate it. We have to decide on it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Restate the motion.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Again, this is a creation of a new section, Section 2 under Article 2. It would read: "Interim conventions; date and location of interim conventions shall be called by majority vote of delegates in attendance at the regular convention. Any other conventions will be considered a special convention."

         Now, under what would be the new Section 3, Special Conventions, you'll go ahead and read what's already written there. At the bottom of that, you'd add, "No changes to the constitution and by laws will be considered during a special convention. Also, the only elections of officer allowed would be for those posted or vacant."

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Okay, Bob?

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: It's been my experience as chair that especially in the entertainment business, picking a date a year and a half in advance is more problematic. Industry shifts so quickly, I never know where I'm working. With that in mind, I move that we have the interim convention on Saturday, January 8th, the year 2000, in Portland, Oregon.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Can we not do that? It's the day after my birthday. (Laughter)

         DELEGATE WHITISH, LOCAL 154: It's a hell of a present.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: We could make it a party.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: Saturday, January 15th.

         DELEGATE MINEAR, LOCAL 240: Superbowl Sunday.

         DELEGATE WHITISH, LOCAL 154: That's one between.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: That's a down week.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: That's the week where there's no playoff, and there's no Superbowl. Go ahead, Sean.

         DELEGATE CALLAHAN, LOCAL 15: Just out of point of order, don't we have a motion on the floor?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Yeah, we do. You're right. No, we don't. It wasn't seconded. It died for lack of a second. Go ahead, Frank.

         DELEGATE BAIRD, LOCAL 154: I wish we'd take the time to think about this a little bit more. I don't like the direction we're heading in. Initially it was to have a session at the convention floor to settle this question. I think we're going to end up with something that's not constitutional, and then our predecessors, our people after us, whatever all them, are going to read this and say what the hell is this. I mean we think we understand it, but I'm afraid we're going to end up with language that isn't going to be clear to anybody else.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right. We have a motion on the floor that's about to die for a lack of a second. I'm going to point that out again. Benita?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: If we could amend the resolution to eliminate the sentence that says "no constitutional amendments will be considered," then all we have is the statement that we will have this interim convention and we will choose it here and now every three years, right?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: What his extra sentence says is -- there's two things here. One is an interim convention, which we're talking about, and the other is a special convention. And he's saying that if you call a special convention, you can't change the bylaws or elect anybody except fill a vacancy.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Can I bring a point of order to that statement?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Point of order.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: What if we write some crazy part of the constitution today and we want to call a special convention to change it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: You wouldn't be able to under his motion.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Am I correct in my elder years, that if you're calling a special convention, you're calling a special convention to deal with an item, which possibly would be a constitution problem, am I correct?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: You are correct.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: So I think that that is -- I don't know if that is needed when it comes to special conventions, if I understand what special conventions are.


         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: As you said, there's two separate issues here, and they are going to be voted on individually anyway. So maybe we should go ahead vote on the first part, and then continue discussion on the second part, if everybody is happy with the first part.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Charlie?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I would like to second Bobby Riggs' motion.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: It's been moved and seconded that the district take up an interim convention on January 15th, Saturday, in Portland, Oregon of 19 -- what, Bob?

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: Of the year 2000.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Of the year 2000. It's been moved and seconded. Anyone on the question?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I have a point on the question.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Let's hear it.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Right now you have nothing in the constitution that says you can call that convention.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: No, you're wrong. His motion says that there will be an interim convention of the delegates held in Portland, Oregon on January 15th of the year 2000.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: So we're not talking about any constitutional change then?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: Right.

         DELEGATE BAIRD, LOCAL 154: Right, because if we don't have an interim convention --

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: He's calling for a special. But then you're going to have to petition the International President for it.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I wasn't calling for a special, and maybe I spoke out of turn. If we are making a constitutional change that gives us the ability to have a mid-term or off-year convention, then I would withdraw mine until that is acted upon; that is, if the body actually says that we will reread the constitution, that allows us to have this mid-term convention that the delegates seem to want, and then I'll put my motion back on the floor that we picked that date.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: So you're withdrawing your motion at this point until we deal with the constitutional problem that we have before us?

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I guess I'm asking for a clarification. If procedurely if I was putting the cart before the horse, yes.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Someone's got to make a motion to have an interim convention. Benita Hyder?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: I make the motion that we approve the Section 2 as read by Jim -- what's his last name, Burbach. Thank you.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Read that again, Jim.

         DELEGATE HORTON, LOCAL 15: Can I second it?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Let him read it.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: New Section 2, Interim Conventions: Date and location of interim convention shall be called by majority vote of delegates in attendance at the regular convention. Any other conventions will be considered a special convention.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right. It's regularly moved that it be approved as a constitutional change. Do I hear a second?

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: Second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Bob Riggs seconds that. Is there anybody on the question? All in favor, signify by saying aye? Opposed? So ordered. Now, Mr. Riggs?

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I move that we hold this mid-term of off-year convention on Saturday, January 15th in the year 2000 in Portland, Oregon.

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Seconded.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: It's been regularly moved and seconded.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: Time and place to be called by the District Secretary -- I mean hour and place.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All right. Anybody on the question? Hearing none, all in favor, signify by saying aye. Opposed? So ordered. Now, there's just one more constitutional thing, and Jimmy --

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: Nobody wants to move to accept it, then we don't accept it.

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: I move to accept it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: We could have a complicating factor. Is there a second? The motion dies for lack of a second. All right, there's just one bit of business left before that committee, which will meet to deal with the preamble. And so we will not discharge that committee just yet. Go ahead, Jimmy.

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: So the committee comes up with a new preamble, and is that going to be approved by the Advisory Board or can it be approved by the entire delegation?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I think it could be either. I think that the Advisory Board could hold a meeting and approve it, also, or refer it to a convention this week, and we could just reconvene after a session of the International Convention and pass it out to everybody and vote on it, if they come up with something.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: We can do that. If you can guys can come up with something this week, we'll reconvene to consider it, all right? The question is, do we get more per diem for that? (Laughter)

         DELEGATE MINEAR, LOCAL 240: Give our stenographer a bigger tip or a raise or something.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Is there any new business before the delegates? Is there any new business before the delegates?


         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Go ahead.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I would like to -- I don't know whether it would be a motion or an addition to the per capita thing, but I would like to get some type of language in so that B locals or the special departments, and I don't know, do they pay any per capita at all, the special department locals?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Yes, they give the International.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: But they don't pay to the districts, do they? Are they seated in District 2's convention?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Yes, they are.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I think that to get the B Locals back in the district, that the B locals should be charged a flat fee per year of $12.00 to become members of District No. One. I so move.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Does anybody second the motion?

         DELEGATE FRENGLE, LOCAL 93: I second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Anybody on the question?

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: We ll, if you ask me, we're kind of donating a bunch of money.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: It has nothing to do with what you're doing.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: This gets them full member to the district status. Anybody else on the question? Jimmy?

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: This is another item for the Constitution Committee to work on the next couple of days.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: He's proposing that this be added.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Maybe we could kill two birds with one stone. Give me one more minute.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: We need to install the officers, too, John. Do you have that? Do you have the installation of officers?

SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I'm trying to find it. We have a per capita tax which is set by the convention. I think that would be covered under Revenue, Section 1. It says "Revenue to the general fund of this district shall be derived from a per capita tax as recommended by District Secretary and/or approved by delegates assembled in a regular convention. Per capita tax will not be required of members of any local union who have received a gold card from the International."

         I think a convention, as we are assembled, we voted to raise per capita to $1.50 per member per month. I think we have the right to add to that that B locals would pay a flat $12.00 per year. Anyone else.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: on the question?

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Is that seconded?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Yes, it was. Wasn't it?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Yes, LeRoy seconded it.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Okay. Anyone else on the question? All in favor, signify by saying aye. Opposed? So ordered.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: One other point. We voted in the raise of per capita. I take it in most instances, like the International, it would go into effect starting January 1, 1999. Is that the favor of the convention?

         DELEGATE GEORGE, LOCAL 675: Yes.

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: I so move that the per capita raise to $1.50 would go into effect as of first quarter of 1999.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Is there a second?

         DELEGATE KOLANO, LOCAL 793: Second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: On the question? All in favor, signify by saying aye. Opposed? So ordered. Any other business before us?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: You're going to swear in the officers?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I've got it right here. Jim?

         DELEGATE BURBACH, LOCAL 28: As the Constitution Committee works on this new language for Article 9, I would like to have John in attendance to help us with that.


         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I'll direct s such. At this point, I'd like all of the new officers to step forward, please, and be sworn into your new posts. LeRoy, who, Jimmy, who all was it?

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: We have Sean Callahan, Rick George, Kathryn.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Advisory Board and Legislative Committee, and John DiSciullo, everybody who just got elected.

         Please raise your right hand and repeat after me: "I, state your full name, do hereby pledge my word of honor to perform the duties of my office as set forth in the constitution and bylaws of this district to the best of my ability, and to bear true allegiance to the International Alliance. At the close of my official term, I solemnly promise that I shall deliver to my successor in office all books, paper and property of this district and of the International Alliance which may be in my possession. To these promises, I pledge you my word fully realizing that to violate this pledge is to stamp me a person unworthy of trust."

         You have obligated yourself to faithfully and to the best of your ability discharge the duties of your office. You will now proceed to your station and perform the duties of that office, and so conduct yourself as to be worthy of the trust reposed in you. Thank you very much. Is there any more business before this district convention? Laurel?

         DELEGATE HORTON, LOCAL 15: Are you going to swear Sean in?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Did he leave?

         DELEGATE MINEAR, LOCAL 240: He was here. Just missed the very end of it. (Laughter)

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Sean, really, you didn't get sworn in?

         DELEGATE CALLAHAN, LOCAL 15: I had to go to the restroom.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I'll swear you in. Come here. (Laughter)

         SECRETARY DiSCIULLO: Are you going to swear at him or swear him in?

         "I, state your full name, do hereby pledge my word of honor to perform the duties of my office as set forth in the constitution and bylaws of this district to the best of my ability, and to bear true allegiance to the International Alliance. At the close of my official term, I solemnly promise that I shall deliver to my successor in office all books, paper and property of this district and of the International Alliance which may be in my possession. To these promises, I pledge you my word fully realizing that to violate this pledge is to stamp me a person unworthy of trust."

         Thank you. You have obligated yourself to faithfully and to the best of your ability discharge the duties of your office. You will now proceed to your station and perform the duties of that office, and so conduct yourself as to be worthy of the trust reposed in you. Congratulations. (Applause)

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Now, is there any other business before this district? Benita?

         DELEGATE HYDER, LOCAL 887: Yes, may I ask a question? When are we going to talk about stage crew services? I thought we were coming back.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Let's pick a time for the Organizing Committee to meet. Sean?

         DELEGATE CALLAHAN, LOCAL 15: Today, is that what you're talking about?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Sure, or I will ask that the committee stay after and schedule meetings. And how is that?

         DELEGATE CALLAHAN, LOCAL 15: Also, anyone that wants to volunteer to work on this committee, stay after also so we can find out who you are.


         DELEGATE CRANGI, LOCAL 15: For my information, are we going to do good and welfare?

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I'll just have to finish the order of business. Any good and welfare?

         DELEGATE CRANGI, LOCAL 15: Yes.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Go, Jerry. (Laughter)

         DELEGATE CRANGI, LOCAL 15: I have AFL-CIO Organizing Institute applications here for the three-day training being held at various places around the country. I understand that they are going to come back to Seattle and do one in September. If you have a shred of unionism in your heart, you'll leave this three-day training just walking a foot off the ground ready to organize the world. It's really a great training, and I have applications if anyone would like one.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Okay. Any more good and welfare? Any more good and welfare? At this point, I would discharge – who was -- Charlie, were you my temporary sergeant? No, Phil was the sergeant-at-arms, but I would instruct Phil as sergeant-at-arms with thanks, and Charlie, didn't I make you the Credentials guy?

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I was.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: You're discharged as the Credentials guy.

         DELEGATE CARLSEN, LOCAL 488: I feel much better.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: And I would at this time take a motion of adjournment.

         DELEGATE KOLANO, LOCAL 793: I so move.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: Second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Wait a minute. I thought that's what you were moving back their, Bob?

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I just wanted to comment on a district-wide basis that everyone's State of the Trade report today, I think virtually everyone's State of the Trade report today mentioned Sandy England and the efforts she's helped with each local.

         We had President Short in here today who commented that Sandy has his complete trust, and I want to thank her for the meeting today. And if you go to those other districts, you've got to realize how lucky we are. (Applause)

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: Thanks, and once again, I'm going to say like my mentor, Al DiTolla, that's what they pay me for.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I also want to go on record that we are in 488 known officially throughout the International as Sandy's puppets. (Laughter)

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: If only it was that easy.

         DELEGATE RIGGS, LOCAL 488: I move we adjourn.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: I'll accept that motion. Can I get a second?

         DELEGATE MINEAR, LOCAL 240: Second.

         CHAIRPERSON ENGLAND: All in favor -- anyone on the question?, All in favor, signify by saying aye. So moved. All right. Thanks everybody. Oh, one more last thing, we are all invited to a party. So here's the invitations up here. Anybody who wants to go and eat some groceries on the Canadians, I say eat away.

         (The 51st Convention of District No. One adjourned at 4:00 p.m. July 18, 1998.)

                  JOHN R. DiSCIULLO
                  SECRETARY, DISTRICT NO. ONE

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